Huszar's ECG and 12-Lead Interpretation - 6th Edition

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Learn to interpret cardiac dysrhythmias and successfully treat patients! Huszar's ECG and 12-Lead Interpretation, 6th Edition uses a step-by-step approach to help you build skills in accurate rhythm interpretation, diagnosis, and clinical management. Correlating ECG interpretation with clinical signs and symptoms, the text begins with basic skills and progresses to more advanced concepts. Hundreds of ECG rhythm strips provide plenty of practice with identifying heart rhythms. Written by experienced EMS physician and educator Keith Wesley, this guide is also ideal for quick reference while on the job, anywhere from the emergency department to the back of an ambulance.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive review of heart rhythm interpretation reflects current ECC guidelines.
  • Logical organization of material teaches the way in which readers learn specific skills — ECG components are presented first, followed by rhythm interpretation and then clinical applications.
  • Coverage of both basic and advanced concepts incorporates the latest research developments and provides material pertinent to both beginners and experienced prehospital care providers.
  • Recognition of various heart rhythms is promoted by their appearance on the ECG, correlated with the patient’s clinical signs and symptoms.
  • Patient care algorithms outline step-by-step management and treatment, correlating ECG interpretation with history and exam findings.
  • Advanced-level treatment content includes complete thrombus formation, treatment, and management.
  • Take-Home Points summarize each chapter, highlighting need-to-know information about the most important topics.
  • Author’s Notes provide tips on alternative diagnoses, possible complications of warning signs, normal variations, and more, allowing you to benefit from the author’s decades of experience.
  • Expert author Dr. Keith Wesley is a board-certified emergency medicine physician and has been involved in EMS since 1989.
  • Learning features include chapter outlines, learning objectives, key terms, chapter review questions, quick-reference summaries of the key characteristics of each heart rhythm, Drug Caution boxes, and a glossary.

Table of Contents

1. Anatomy and Physiology of the Heart
2. ECG Leads and Cardiac Monitoring
3. Components of the ECG Waveform
4. Step-by-Step ECG Interpretation
5. Sinus Rhythms
6. Atrial Rhythms
7. Junctional Rhythms
8. Ventricular Rhythms
9. Atrioventricular Blocks
10. Implanted Pacemaker Rhythms
11. Treatment of Rhythm Disturbances
12. The 12-Lead ECG: Leads and Axis
13. Bundle Branch and Fascicular Blocks
14. Hypertrophy, Electrolytes, and Other ECG Findings
15. Coronary Heart Disease and the 12-Lead ECG
16. ECG Diagnosis of Myocardial Infarction
17. Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndromes
Appendix A: Methods of Determining the QRS Axis
Appendix B: Answers to Chapter Review Questions
Appendix C: Rhythm Interpretation Self-Assessment
Appendix D: Self-Assessment Answer Key

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